How to Set Up a Wireless Mesh Network ===================================== .. image:: ../images/mesh/mesh-network-topology-graph.png :target: ../_images/mesh-network-topology-graph.png A **mesh network** is a **decentralized network architecture** where each node not only communicates with its immediate neighbors but also relays data for other mesh nodes. The word "mesh" primarily describes the interconnected topology of the network, while **wireless mesh networks** specifically refer to mesh networks deployed using standard WiFi bands (2.4 GHz / 5 GHz) as the physical connection medium. The advantages of this network architecture include: - **Resilience**: Due to its interconnected topology, there's no single point of failure, so the dynamic routing protocols used to route traffic are able to implement self-healing behavior, rerouting traffic along alternative paths when a link fails. - **Flexibility**: Deploying new nodes or relocating existing ones is straightforward due to consistent configurations across all nodes. These advantages make mesh networks particularly valuable for expanding WiFi coverage while controlling deployment and maintenance costs. In this tutorial, we'll guide you through the process of setting up a *wireless mesh network* using the `802.11s mesh mode `_ on `OpenWrt `_ through OpenWISP. Additionally, we'll provide valuable tips on monitoring and maintaining the mesh network. Firmware Requirements for Mesh ------------------------------ In order to use mesh mode with wireless encryption, your firmware needs to be equipped with a version of the ``wpad`` package which supports mesh encryption. Please refer to the `OpenWrt 802.11s documentation `_ for more information. .. note:: The **OpenWrt** firmware image provided for the :doc:`OpenWISP Demo System <./demo>` includes the full ``wpad`` package by default. General Assumptions ------------------- In this tutorial we make a few assumptions and choices which are explained below. At Least 2 Devices ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We assume you are already managing and monitoring at least two devices through your OpenWISP instance. One Radio Available ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We require at least one radio named ``radio0`` to be available and enabled for the successful execution of this tutorial. For simplicity, we will focus on a single radio, but it's important to note that the mesh functionality can be extended to multiple radios if necessary. Alternatively, you have the option of running the mesh on one radio while the access points operate on another radio to avoid interference. However, these additional scenarios are not explained in this tutorial and are left as an exercise for the reader. Existing DHCP server on the LAN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WiFi in mesh mode (802.11s) operates at the layer 2 protocol, enabling us to bridge the mesh interface with the LAN interface, effectively creating a wireless extension of the LAN network. This configuration assumes that the mesh devices will function as wireless extenders for an existing LAN, already equipped with a DHCP server. Consequently, we will define a ``br-lan`` interface in DHCP client mode, with the spanning tree protocol enabled. This helps prevent loops in case of accidental Ethernet cable connections to another mesh extender within the LAN. Additionally, we will disable the default DHCP server on the LAN interface, which comes preconfigured in OpenWrt. Creating the Template --------------------- .. note:: This template is also available in our :doc:`Demo System <./demo>` as `Mesh Demo `_, **feel free to try it out!** From the OpenWISP navigation menu, go to ``Configurations`` and then ``Templates``, from here click on the ``Add template``. .. image:: ../images/mesh/create-template.png :target: ../_images/create-template.png Fill in name, organization, leave type set to "Generic", backend set to "OpenWrt", scroll down to the Configuration section, then click on "Advanced mode (raw JSON)". .. image:: ../images/mesh/advanced-mode.png :target: ../_images/advanced-mode.png Once the advanced mode editor is open you can paste the following NetJSON: .. code-block:: json { "interfaces": [ { "name": "lan", "type": "bridge", "mtu": 1500, "disabled": false, "stp": true, "igmp_snooping": false, "bridge_members": [ "lan", "mesh0", "wlan0" ], "addresses": [ { "proto": "dhcp", "family": "ipv4" } ] }, { "type": "wireless", "name": "mesh0", "mtu": 1500, "disabled": false, "wireless": { "mode": "802.11s", "radio": "radio0", "ack_distance": 0, "rts_threshold": 0, "frag_threshold": 0, "mesh_id": "mesh0", "encryption": { "protocol": "wpa2_personal", "key": "0penW1SP0987654321", "disabled": false, "cipher": "auto", "ieee80211w": "0" }, "network": [ "lan" ] } }, { "type": "wireless", "name": "wlan0", "mtu": 1500, "disabled": false, "wireless": { "mode": "access_point", "radio": "radio0", "ssid": "Mesh AP", "hidden": false, "wds": false, "wmm": true, "isolate": false, "ieee80211r": true, "reassociation_deadline": 1000, "ft_psk_generate_local": false, "ft_over_ds": true, "rsn_preauth": false, "macfilter": "disable", "maclist": [], "encryption": { "protocol": "wpa2_personal_mixed", "key": "meshApTesting1234", "disabled": false, "cipher": "ccmp", "ieee80211w": "1" }, "network": [ "lan" ] } } ], "files": [ { "path": "/etc/openwisp/pre-reload-hook", "mode": "0700", "contents": "#!/bin/sh\n\n# delete any br-lan definition to avoid conflicts\nuci delete network.device1\n\n# make sure radio is enabled and on the same channel\nband=$(uci get\nhwmode=$(uci get wireless.radio0.hwmode)\nif [ \"$band\" = \"2g\" ] || [ \"$hwmode\" = \"11g\" ]; then\n channel=1\nelif [ \"$band\" = \"5g\" ] || [ \"$hwmode\" = \"11a\" ]; then\n channel=36\nfi\nuci set\"$channel\"\nuci set wireless.radio0.disabled='0'\nuci set'US' # feel free to customize the country code\nuci commit wireless\n\n# ensure DHCP server on the lan is disabled\nuci set dhcp.lan.ignore='1'\nuci set dhcp.lan.dhcpv6='disabled'\nuci set dhcp.lan.ra='disabled'\nuci commit dhcp\n\n# increase retries of the config test to account for\n# temporary network failures caused by the reloading of the wifi stack\nuci set openwisp.http.test_retries=8\nuci commit openwisp\n" } ] } Then click on "back to normal mode" to close the advanced mode editor. .. image:: ../images/mesh/back-to-normal-mode.png :target: ../_images/back-to-normal-mode.png Now you can save the new template. .. image:: ../images/mesh/save.png :target: ../_images/save.png At this point you're ready to assign the template to your devices, but before doing so you may want to read on to understand the different components of this template: - The ``br-lan`` defines a bridge with the following members: ``lan``, ``mesh0`` and ``wlan0``. - The ``mesh0`` provides the encrypted wireless mesh interface bound to ``radio0``. - The ``wlan0`` interface provides WiFi access to the mesh network for clients not equipped with 802.11s. - A ``pre-reload-hook`` script which is executed before OpenWrt reloads its services to make the configuration changes effective. Why we use a ``pre-reload-hook`` script ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the template shared above, we utilize a `pre-reload-hook `_ script to execute the following configuration changes: - Ensure that ``radio0`` is enabled, set on a specific channel and country code to allow communication between mesh nodes. You can customize the channel and country code according to your preferences. However, make these changes before deploying your mesh nodes and disconnecting them from the Ethernet network, as modifying the channel or country code on an active mesh network will disrupt it. - Disable the default DHCP server preconfigured in OpenWrt on the ``br-lan`` interface to prevent interference with the existing DHCP server in the LAN. - Increase the ``test_retries`` option of the openwisp-config agent to 8. This enhancement enhances the agent's resilience to temporary failures in reaching the OpenWISP server after applying configuration changes. Mesh configuration changes trigger a reload of the WiFi stack, which may take a few minutes to become effective. During this period, we want to avoid the agent to mistakenly consider the connection as lost, to prevent it from flagging the upgrade as failed and rollback to the previous configuration. We could have redefined the entire configuration for ``radio0``, the LAN DHCP server and openwisp-config, but doing so would have posed some issues: - There's no guarantee that the same radio settings will work uniformly on every hardware supported by OpenWrt. By altering only the necessary settings, we ensure the same template can be applied across a broad spectrum of devices, making the tutorial easy for a wide range of users. - Creating a template that includes all possible settings would result in verbosity, making it challenging for readers to digest. Once you have successfully set this up, feel free to modify the template configuration and tailor any part to suit your requirements. Enable the Mesh Template on the Devices --------------------------------------- Now is time to apply this template to the devices that we want to make part of the mesh. Click on "devices" in the navigation menu, click on the device you want to assign the mesh template to, then go to the "Configuration" tab, select the template just created, then click on save. .. image:: ../images/mesh/assign-mesh-template.png :target: ../_images/assign-mesh-template.png Verifying and Debugging ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once the configuration is applied to the device, if you access your device via SSH you can double check that everything worked fine by comparing the output you get from the command outputs shown below. Check the bridge with ``brctl show``: .. code-block:: console bridge name bridge id STP enabled interfaces br-lan 7fff.44d1fad204c5 yes lan wlan0 mesh0 Check the WiFi interfaces with ``iwinfo``: .. code-block:: console mesh0 ESSID: "mesh0" Access Point: 44:D1:FA:D2:00:01 Mode: Mesh Point Channel: 1 (2.412 GHz) HT Mode: HT20 Center Channel 1: 1 2: unknown Tx-Power: 20 dBm Link Quality: 68/70 Signal: -42 dBm Noise: -87 dBm Bit Rate: 1.0 MBit/s Encryption: WPA3 SAE (CCMP) Type: nl80211 HW Mode(s): 802.11ax/b/g/n Hardware: 14C3:7915 14C3:7915 [MediaTek MT7915E] TX power offset: none Frequency offset: none Supports VAPs: yes PHY name: phy0 wlan0 ESSID: "Mesh AP" Access Point: 44:D1:FA:D2:00:01 Mode: Master Channel: 1 (2.412 GHz) HT Mode: HE20 Center Channel 1: 1 2: unknown Tx-Power: 20 dBm Link Quality: unknown/70 Signal: unknown Noise: -85 dBm Bit Rate: unknown Encryption: mixed WPA2/WPA3 PSK/SAE (CCMP) Type: nl80211 HW Mode(s): 802.11ax/b/g/n Hardware: 14C3:7915 14C3:7915 [MediaTek MT7915E] TX power offset: none Frequency offset: none Supports VAPs: yes PHY name: phy0 Once you have assigned the template to at least two devices which are close to each other, you can verify whether they have formed a mesh with ``iw mesh0 station dump``, which should return the number of connected mesh nodes (called stations): .. code-block:: console Station 44:d1:fa:d2:04:d6 (on mesh0) inactive time: 10 ms rx bytes: 9050195 rx packets: 80356 tx bytes: 1169064 tx packets: 7196 tx retries: 0 tx failed: 0 rx drop misc: 200 signal: -42 [-43, -49] dBm signal avg: -42 [-43, -49] dBm Toffset: 287058701286 us tx bitrate: 243.7 MBit/s HE-MCS 10 HE-NSS 2 HE-GI 1 HE-DCM 0 tx duration: 32732793 us rx bitrate: 258.0 MBit/s HE-MCS 10 HE-NSS 2 HE-GI 0 HE-DCM 0 rx duration: 3451735 us airtime weight: 256 mesh llid: 0 mesh plid: 0 mesh plink: ESTAB mesh airtime link metric: 48 mesh connected to gate: yes mesh connected to auth server: no mesh local PS mode: ACTIVE mesh peer PS mode: ACTIVE mesh non-peer PS mode: ACTIVE authorized: yes authenticated: yes associated: yes preamble: long WMM/WME: yes MFP: yes TDLS peer: no DTIM period: 2 beacon interval:100 connected time: 3511 seconds associated at [boottime]: 272718.754s associated at: 1706572676925 ms current time: 1706576187500 ms If you didn't get the expected results we recommend looking at the ``logread`` output and look for any critical error shown in the log output, this should help you to fix it. Monitoring the Mesh Nodes ------------------------- If everything has worked out successfully and you have the `OpenWISP monitoring agent `_ running correctly on your device, you should start seeing monitoring information about the mesh network in the status tab of the device page. Bridge interface: .. image:: ../images/mesh/status-br-lan.png :target: ../_images/status-br-lan.png Mesh0 interface: .. image:: ../images/mesh/status-mesh0.png :target: ../_images/status-mesh0.png .. image:: ../images/mesh/status-mesh0-associated-clients.png :target: ../_images/status-mesh0-associated-clients.png Wlan0 interface: .. image:: ../images/mesh/status-wlan0.png :target: ../_images/status-wlan0.png Mesh Topology Collection and Visualization ------------------------------------------ .. image:: ../images/mesh/mesh-network-topology.gif :target: ../_images/mesh-network-topology.gif In June 2023, we introduced a new feature to the Network Topology module of OpenWISP, enabling the automatic collection of network topology data from mesh interfaces for visualization purposes. Setting up this feature is beyond the scope of this tutorial, but we provide pointers to demonstrate its usefulness and guide you in finding the information needed to set it up: - Github pull request: `[feature] WiFi Mesh integration `_ - `Network Topology README `_, look for "Integration with OpenWISP Controller and OpenWISP Monitoring" If you have been playing with our **Demo System**, you can try this feature there! You only have to register at least 2 devices to the :doc:`Demo System <./demo>`, enable the `Mesh Demo `_ template on your devices and wait a few minutes until the data is collected and shown in the **Network Topology List** as shown below. .. image:: ../images/mesh/mesh-network-topology-list.png :target: ../_images/mesh-network-topology-list.png .. image:: ../images/mesh/mesh-network-topology-detail.png :target: ../_images/mesh-network-topology-detail.png .. image:: ../images/mesh/mesh-network-topology-demo.png :target: ../_images/mesh-network-topology-demo.png Changing the Default 802.11s Routing Protocol --------------------------------------------- Using a routing protocol other than the default protocol shipped in the 802.11s implementation is out of scope of this tutorial but can be done. You will need to turn off mesh forwarding and configure the routing daemon of your choice.